The Role of Social Media in International Politics

The Dalai Lama "Hangsout" with Archbishop of South Africa in Google+.

We've seen social media topple the tyrannies of authoritarian governments. We've seen it save lives and reunite families during natural disasters. And now we see how it is shaping the course of global politics and foreign affairs.

dalai lama google+
Read full article via Mashable

I knew that somehow technology and the "information revolution" could eventually in itself limit the power and spending of government. And as it develops even more so does the freedoms of people.

Imagine, all of this technology and social media is coming from the private sector, a competitive market. It has given us a means of communication that would have been so unimaginable a few decades ago.

One of my main point here is the "travel expenses" of our bureaucrats. Like when the president has a UN or ASEAN meeting or whatever, the spending is non-transparent, I was just thinking that maybe as technology grows they wouldn't need to spend on plane tickets and eat and sleep in fancy lavish hotels as the individuals in their homelands are lacking in security, peace, and prosperity.

Usually, when bureaucrats travel at the expense of the taxpayer, it is disguised as something that is of "public interest". And mostly, because of lack of transparency as I always emphasize, we never really know what goes on.

But again, social media can change all that. Technology can be our tool. Imagine, right now, I am able to voice out my opinions and thoughts freely for almost anyone in the world to read unlike the individuals in China whose internet is heavily regulated by the government. Before it was the pen is mightier than the sword but now it's the blogs are more powerful than governments. Even the influence of people to mainstream media has changed. Power is very slowly being taken away from bureaucrats and given back to individuals. This reminds me of my previous post on David Cameron's TED talk on information revolution. And also that time when I said that they should stay the hell away from my internet. Also, I have a blog specifically about technology, social media, and search engine optimization: beating the search engine.

Anyway, just felt like randomly spreading some positivity and sharing this song:

Hope you guys are having a great weekend. :)

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