Bitcoin 5th Anniversary Meet-up in the Philippines

Manila joins the world in celebrating the 5th anniversary of Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency that could potentially challenge and break the shackles of government monopoly on money.

A really great turn-out comparing it from the first meeting (the only other meet-up I've ever attended):

(see also my post on first meeting: Will Technology Liberate Our Money?)

A lot of different types of people were there and it was so exciting and stimulating. I eavesdrop on conversations and hear "central bank" to my left and "blockchains" to my right. I can't decide where to go, who to introduce myself to first, or what conversation to join first. Many had the same view on monetary policy as mine. Some were there for investments or potential business ventures (some even already introduced their Bitcoin-related business). And many of them had a deep understanding of the technical aspect behind it all (thank you for dumbing down the whole blockchain concept for me!).

There was also a lot of really yummy free food which was a great incentive to drop by. A QR code was on the table so people could donate or chip-in to the food we were served. Some of us libertarians had this awesome idea of bringing a cake with an interesting text written on it. I found it so cute and it made me very excited haha (I had a devious grin when I bought it and made the cashier write the text):

"Separation of Money and State"

Below is Lasse, co-founder of, literally separating money and state as he cuts the cake.  This guy is also the founder of and has a TEDx talk entitled How Technology Moves Society where he talks about Bitcoin back when it was only 11 dollars. These things really add a lot of trust and credibility to his new and local Bitcoin trading website, in my opinion. I'm personally looking forward to trading in

Lasse "separating" money and state

Below is Michael, one of the main admins of our Facebook group Bitcoin PH, cutting another cake with an astronaut who placed a Bitcoin flag on the moon. This, I believe, really represents how revolutionary Bitcoin technology is and what kind of innovations and courage is involved in it. 

I'm looking forward to more meetings. A friend of mine and I were thinking of other types of meet-ups or events where we can invite those who still have no knowledge in this technology or the political philosophies and economic policies that are tied up with it. Hopefully, plans push through. I'm definitely looking forward to future meet-ups.

Special thanks to Aelogica for hosting the event in their office and to all the organizers that made this meet-up possible.

If you liked this blog post, you might also want to check out my other thoughts on Bitcoin and other related topics:
1. What's the deal with Bitcoin?
2. What gives the Philippine peso value and how does it differ from the Dollar?
3. Can Individuals Survive Without a Central Bank?
4. On Wage Labor and the Invisible Tax
5. Subway Franchise Accepts Bitcoin

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