Love, Human Interaction, Border Policy

You know why citizenship in a country can be acquired through marriage? It's because no government,  no institution, no small group of people, even those duly elected, can ever prevent two people from being in love. It is probably an act much worse than the suppression of habeas corpus.

Like Crazy Trailer
Probably one of the only things I disagree with Ron Paul's platform is his stance on strong border control, which is, of course, considerably a fiscal conservative position because the welfare state cannot be sustained and tax payers' money go to "illegal immigrants" (not to mention that they're already in massive debt). Also, there's the security issues. There are evil people in this world who just want to do evil things and strict border policies ideally protect citizens from these people. 
I believe otherwise though. I believe that all borders should be open for trade, for migration, for travel, much like Hong Kong or Singapore, two of the freest economies in the world and, not surprisingly, also two of the most peaceful and prosperous. People of different cultures and beliefs engaging in  peaceful and voluntary exchange and association.
These imaginary lines that States create is a suppression of freedom. There should never be red tapes on travel. There should be no red tapes on love. We are human beings. We are not cows grazing on a fenced field. We must be free to seek greener pastures. We must be free to interact, to trade, and, as my sentimental blog post is implying — we must be free to love — love that is free from restriction or coercion from any sort of authority.
And along with this freedom to love is the freedom to be hurt, to grow, to learn, to mature. Human interaction, relationships, different personalities — it's all just part of life.
There are those who use marriage for the sake of citizenship only and some states require that you prove to bureaucrats that you are truly in love (which reminds me so much of Never Let Me Go) or you do not get citizenship. By law, there are supposed "experts" and qualifications that can tell if you are in love or not. But what is love, really? Is it really something we can quantify, this act of being "in love"?
I don't know. I was just so moved by this trailer. It's ridiculous that I'm writing this right now. It has some sort of relevance to libertarianism, I guess. I just came from a trip where we got stranded when my car broke down in the middle of nowhere with no ATMs, no signal, no mechanics or spare parts. There's also tons of work I have to catch up on.
I wish I could say it, you know, love me if you dare, but such is life — walang may kasalanan (no one is at fault). 

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